What are tracks?
Tracks will have a specific focus and participants will pick a track based on what interests them. The four tracks offered will be Establishing Christian Community, Discipleship, Ethnomusicology, Christian Entrepreneurship, and the Staff Track. Throughout the conference there will be designated times where you will meet with others in the same track to learn from the track leaders below. Staff are required to participate in the Staff Track.
God is moving mightily all over the world. Would you like to be part of his plan for expanding the kingdom by learning how to start a small group or house church? Learn how to multiply these groups and be part of a global movement? Then this is the track for you.
Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations – but how? This track will show you two possible models for living a disciple making lifestyle.
In this track we will consider the biblical meaning of worship, the practical use of music as a means of worship, and how we create music and art within the context of your culture. You will have a chance to explore how God might be equipping you to worship Him in a new way, and then stir up others to do the same!
Can a single person really change the world? Join Entrepreneurship teacher, lecturer and consultant, Pat Kriska, to examine how you can use your God given talents and resources to solve a problem and change the lives of those you touch. Through lecture, study, self examination, research, writing and presentation skills you will leave with the essence of a plan to begin the process. Each session will open with Scripture and end with meditation, as we ask God's will to be made manifest and His grace to light the path forward. Whether you start a project of your own or join with someone already doing something World Changing, you will have a good idea of what it takes to build a sound program.
Staff, ministry representatives and volunteers much take the staff track. This track will focus on releasing and moving students into spiritual leadership both locally and globally.